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Cherry Sauce Recipe

Cherry Sauce

Ingredients 28 g. (1 Tbsp.) margarine 340 g. (12 oz. bag) pitted frozen cherries (or fresh, if in season) 20 g. (1 1/2 Tbsp.) balsamic vinegar 170 g. (1/2 cup) seedless raspberry or blackberry jam The juice of 1 lemon Cherry juice or water, as needed Instructions 1.   In a small saucepan, melt the margarine over

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Vanilla Bean Crème

Vanilla Bean Crème

Ingredients 680 g. (3 cups) cashew milk or light coconut milk 5 tbsp. agar agar flakes or 2 1/2 Tbsp. powder 38 g. evaporated cane juice 1 vanilla bean or 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla bean powder Pinch of salt 1 tsp. vanilla extract Instructions 1.     In a medium saucepan, combine all the ingredients except the extract,

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